Gordana Panova, B.Panova, N.Panov, D. Jovančevska, S.Gazepov, S.Jovevska
University Goce Delchev - Faculty of Medicine - Stip Republic of Macedonia, Medical Center - Kocani
chronic pain patients , the pain rating scale
''8. Međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a''
Šibenik, 23.-26. travnja 2015. godine
Introduction: Chronic pain patients is very common in clinical centers , the problem of
treatment and care . Chronic pain patients are physiologically , psychologically and socially
destroyed , branded and loaded with different drugs and treatments. Оbjective: The main
objective of the first multidisciplinary pain center , consisting of highly specialized physicians ,
is to show positive results in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain syndromes
.Materials and Methods: All patients were diagnosed by 64 multislajd computed tomography
and nuclear magnetic resonance . Results: Age range 20-76 years , it was with an average
age of 34 years , 70 % of the patients were young or middle-aged , full- capacity. 41 % were
male and 59% female . The most common syndromes treated are degenerative diseases of
the musculoskeletal system of the spine and joints of 32 patients ; Osteopor osis 12pacienti . ;
11pacienti malignancies ; metabolic , toxic , vascular and endocrine polyneuropathy
21pacienti ; cervical , lumbar spondylosis and disc herniation 18pacienti etc. . Patients were
treated according to the guidelines of the European Worki ng Group for the treatment of pain
(European Federation Guidelines on pharmacology treatment of pain neuropatic dcs2011
FDA ECRI Institute) . Drugs used for the treatment of : NSAIDs , corticosteroids , polivitamins
, sedatives , selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors , and opioids nonopoid anesthetics , loco -regional anesthesia , TENS , bisphosphonates intraarticular application of drugs . To assess
the degree of pain used pain scale score ( numerical rating scale 1 -10) . Pain is defined as ,
kind of pain (1-3 points), moderate ( 4-6 points ) and severe (7-10 points).Discsussion:
According to the " pain score scale " Our treatment is reduced to 60% of the pain for a period
of about five days , and it is placed under the control of pain . The majority of patients that are
resistant to drug treatment were cancer patients , elderly patients , patients with osteoporosis
, patients whose disease lasting for years . The best results in reducing pain showed patients
with degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system , the spine and joints , and patients
with metabolic , toxic , vascular and endocrine polyneuropathy . Conclusions: Our center has
shown a good percentage of reduction of pain in patients with chronic pain . A
multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of chronic pain seems very sensible and
successful . The cost benefit of professional treatment of pain is a major social , health and
financial success for patients and the community.