Anne Kokko
The Finnish Society of Intensive Care
nursing, education, statement, diploma
''1. Međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a''
Šibenik, 21.-24. travnja 2008. godine
Compared to other Nordic countries Finland does not have specialisation education in critical
care nursing at the moment. In the beginning of the 90s there used to be specialisation education
in different nursing areas like anaesthetic nursing, operating room nursing and intensive care
nursing. Then there were the reform within nursing education. The permanent system started in
1996. Instead of colleges nurses (R.N.) are now educated in polytechnics (university of applied
sciences). Polytechnics are controlled by the Ministry of Education, but within the framework of
the regulations, the polytechnics decide the content and structure of their degrees in more detail.
Instead of the former specialised education nursing students can deepen their studies by taking
up a specific area in the field of nursing during the last half year of their study. After basic nursing
education and at least three years of work experience, the graduated nurses can continue their
studies. The higher polytechnic degree is called master’s degree, polytechnic. The content of the
education is wide and the development skills and promotion of health is stressed. This education
does not contain specialisation education. The other choice is continue in masters' program and
doctoral program in universities. This presentation will give further information about nursing
education system in Finland.
The Finnish Society of Intensive Care has worked a lot to start officially recognised critical car e
nursing education in Finland. The latest statement with collaboration with The Finnish Association
of Nurse Anesthetists was left to the Minister of Education and to the authorities in the Ministry of
Social Affairs and Health in 2004. The statement contains an appeal to start the post graduate
perioperative and critical care nursing education in Finland. While waiting for the postgraduate
nursing education development in national level the working group within Finnish Society of
Intensive Care is preparing the diploma of intensive care nursing. This project is unfinished yet,
but this presentation explains the objectives of the project and how the association has planned
to implement the diploma.