Autori: Asiye Gül

Ustanova zaposlenja: TURKEY

Ključne riječi: Compliance, hand hygiene, intensive care units

Kongres/Simpozij: ”5. Međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a” i ”8. Međunarodni kongres WFCCN-a’

Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja: Šibenik, 12.-15. travnja 2012. godine

Hand hygiene (HH) is the most effective method for preventing healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). However, HH compliance among health care workers (HCWs) has remained poor worldwide, especially in the intensive care units (ICUs). Patients in the ICUs are more likely to be colonized or infected by harmful and antimicrobial resistance microorganisms. The most common cause of HCAIs is person-to-person transmission of pathogens via the hands of HCWs. HH compliance rates have been reported in previous reviews, but compliance across studies has not yet been quantified for specific settings such as ICUs.
Aims: To assess the HCWs’ hand hygiene compliance rates in the ICUs.
Methods : We conducted a systematic literature review of observed and self-reported compliance with HH guidelines in ICUs. We addressed the following research questions: (1) Which methods have been used to measure HH compliance rates in hospital care? (2) What HH compliance rates have been reported in ICUs? Searches for eligible studies were conducted using the Medline (PubMed) and Web of Science databases. All articles published between 2005-2011 years were included in the searches. The search terms used were “hand hygiene,” “hand washing,” “adherence,” “compliance“. The search was limited to articles published in English and Turkish.
Results : We assessed the methodological characteristics of 670 studies on compliance with HH in ICUs, resulting in final inclusion of 20 articles. Compliance with HH was measured using direct observation. We found an overall median compliance rate of 15.4%-94%. Compliance with HH was higher the nurses than physicians. Most of the studies reported that the overall compliance improved significantly following the intervention.
Conclusions: Compliance rates were lower in the ICUs. Many factors appear to play a role in affecting compliance.
Noncompliance with HH guidelines is a global problem. Improvements in HH practices reduce HCAIs.