Gordana Panova
Faculty of Medical naukiuniverzitet ''Goce Delchev'' Shtip, Macedonia
salmonellosis, sepsis, toxic disease
''8. Međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a''
Šibenik, 23.-26. travnja 2015. godine
Introduction: alimentary toksoinfekcii called also "food poisoning" which is a popular term that indicates the occurrence of disease after intake of man food contaminated with infec tious or toxic agents.
Purpose: To display the total number of cases of salmonellosis in the city of Stip, for the period from 2009 to 2014.
Materials and Methods: The data were used from the Health protec- Stip and was made with consultation of employees uchstvuvale in the diagnosis and treatment of patients infected with samloneloza.For data processing were used descriptive epidemiological and socio-medical method.
Results: The total number of cases of salmonellosis in the city of Stip, for the period from 2009 to 2014; Discussion: To display the total number of cases of salmonellosis in the city of Skopje, for the period from 2009 to 2014; The total number of people infected with salmonella
in the period from 2009 to 2014 totals 540 people. Most infected in 2011 and has a total of 243 persons. In terms of age, most patients are aged 0-9 godini. Equally suffering males and feminine, the largest number of people infected with salmonella there in the summer months.
Conclusion: salmonellosis represent hard, acute, contagious disease, sepsis, toxic disease. People infected with Salmonella often get headaches, fever, stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea and povraanje. Symptoms usually occur 6 to 72 hours after infection. Symptoms last from 4 to 7 days, sometimes very long.Salmonelata completely destroyed by cooking. You should avoid raw or undercooked meat, poultry or eggs.