Autori: Marie Engwall, Lotta Johansson, Sepideh Olausson, Berit Lindahl, Ingegerd Bergbom
Ustanova zaposlenja: Borås University, School of Health Sciences (SWEDEN)
Ključne riječi: ICU, Light, Noise, Circadian Rhythm, Health Facility Environment
Kongres/Simpozij: ”5. Međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a” i ”8. Međunarodni kongres WFCCN-a”
Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja: Šibenik, 12.-15. travnja 2012. godine
Background: The ICU is a potentially hostile environment to the critically ill patient, and previous body of research has identified risk factors such as; high noise levels, lack of circadian rhythm and restoring design. Many hospitals are old and many rebuildings are planned during the following years. The challenge is to build or rebuild new modern sustainable and well functioning high-tech hospitals for the future. The results from this project will be very valuable, both from an ICU context, but also in other health care areas.
Aim: The aim is to study the effects of sound, light and sustainable design in patients’ outcomes in a general ICU.
Method: A patient-room (study room) in an ICU is rebuilt according to principles of evidenced- based design. This means the sound levels are reduced, the light in the room follows diurnal rhythm and the technical equipment has been gathered and placed out of the patients’ field of vision.. Several studies are planned; both interventional, comparative and hypothesis testing studies and both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used.
Results: One of our pre-studies showed sound pressure levels > 50 dB(A) above the patients’ head, a level comparable to a busy road. Another pre-studie showed that small and crowded patient rooms affect the next of kin’s’ satisfaction.