Eva Barkestad
Danderyds hospital (Švedska)
knowledge, communication, nursing
''6. Međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a''
Šibenik, 25.-28. travnja 2013. godine
Approximately 70 students from different healthcare professions spend
parts of their clinical rotation at the ICU in Danderyds hospital. As a part
of their training program we began using inter professional sitting rounds
as an educational tool.Letting mentors and students with different
professions, competences and professional roles be a part of a teaching
round of one of the admitted intensive care patients at the intensive care
unit. To discuss the patient together with the staff in charge.
"To learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the
quality care CAIPE
The aim was to enhance inter professional collaboration and
communication in teamwork. For students to understand the relations
between diagnosis, treatment and nursing. Improving their skills,
competencies, and clinical experience and also considering ethical
perspectives in critical ill patients.
Evaluation method
A self assessment form was filled in by staff, different professional roles
and students at the end of every educational round. The participants also
had to verbally formulate one sentence and share it with the participants
of the educational round, The question was: What have I learned today?
Results / conclusion
The self assessment evaluation forms were very positive and showed
improvement in the students’ knowledge after participating in the round.
They had a greater understanding for different professional roles and
collaboration within the team. The students could easily answer the
question :“Can you by one sentence say something you learned today”?